Tag: 2ne1

Tuney Tuesday: Come Back Home

So I havent done one of these forever! I finally made an effort on the weekend to check out 2ne1s new stuff from their new album. I am in a dilemma over this song…I really like it all except for that weird discordant thing after the chorus they do. It really annoys me!!! Its a great song apart from that!… Read more →

Tune-y Tuesday ~ I Love You

Havent done one for a while.

2ne1 have a new song out.

I find the video kinda boring and it distracted me from listening to the song (though i like Daras hair…and its so cute seeing Minzy all glammed up!! I do prefer when they are all wearing their ridiculous pop-punk gear to them all looking like glamour-pusses though).

But listening to the song without watching the vid I quite like it. And yay for minimal Bommies shouty-singing in this one!
Off to iTunes to see if its available!

2ne1 and Bigbang are my fave kpop artists….

…but dont let this post be an indication coz these aint my faves. But still! YG Entertainment have been seriously busy! I think just a few hours after I posted the vid for Bad Boy they put up the video for BigBangs NEXT (thats like 3 in 3 weeks or some shit) single – Fantastic Baby. And also not sure… Read more →