Category: pop culture

Traci Harding site

Traci Harding (one of my fave authors) has a new site hosted by her publisher. Its fairly new and has a messageboard where the fans will be able to interact with her. hehehe – there are only about 7 messages in there and two are by me. 🙂 An almost virgin messageboard….hehehe – its like the heady days of the… Read more →

this cracked me up! I think the people who put down Jedi should be allowed to say they are a religion because according to this: “The criteria of religion are twofold: first, belief in a Supernatural Being, Thing or Principle; and second, the acceptance of canons of conduct in order to give effect to that belief” then saying your a… Read more →

The Weatherwoman

hellooooo again! been net deprived another few days! wretched world! anyways – not sure how long i will be on tonight – i have been waiting for my sister to get off the puta – she was having a Solitaire playing frenzy while we listened to some silly mp3s (songs from the Pirate Movie, Britney, 80s scariness) and just making… Read more →