Category: personal

More of the same…

It doesnt stop. Seriously…I should be in bed – I want to get to work an hour earlier tomorrow and dude – I am SO not waking up on time. BUT the salvage geekery continues. Have salvage dudes had fangirls before??? I apologise to you all! Anyways so there is this nifty page run by the Oregon state govt about… Read more →


Brand me a fangirl because this article made me soooo excited! There is gonna be a National Geographic series called Salvage Code Red about the salvage industry including stuff about the New Carissa!! WOO! In other exciting stuff (thanks Google News!) the cable car has been installed and is being tested at the New Carissa worksite. Why am I so… Read more →

Not a real obsession (I hope) – salvage dudes I salute you!

I have been pretty damn grouchy lately. Everything seems shithouse and I dont have any motivation for anything. I fucking hate that, but anyways USUALLY when I feel like this it means I shall shortly acquire a new obsession. Still waiting for it to appear. In the meantime my brain has latched onto that Wired story i linked to in… Read more →

Tra la la – life is still boring!

So far in Australia on free-to-air tv I think we have seen 3 episodes of How To Look Good Naked. Carson is completely insane but i love him soooo much for doing this show. I have cried watching every episode! Its so great to watch these girls with perfectly nice bodies (damn I wish mine was as nice as theirs)… Read more →

Scary job – but wow! Those guys are awesome!

High Tech Cowboys of the Deep Seas – VERY cool (but also sad) article about a salvage team working to right a listing ship. OMGAWD look at that picture: You know there are jobs in this world that are hella dangerous and stuff which are just DAMN fascinating! THAT is totally on that list man! Haha – I had to… Read more →

Lets go to Mars! Or slightly easier – Vancouver in Spring.

Article about a one way mission to Mars. I think it sounds AWESOME! But I am a space geek. The stupid people in the comments though. Of course if its SUCCESSFUL they will send more poeple and eventually it will probably be possible for a return trip in the future…but you need to have someone to start this and be… Read more →