Category: personal

Sayonara….but no rest for the wicked

Aww – they were starting to jack down on the weekend…i wonder if they have gone now….. [edit] (yup yup – they jacked down and towed away….ooh i found this news video too.) In other Titan news (omgawd – come to rebeccas blog for the latest on what Titan is doing – NOT!) they have started removing the bunker fuel… Read more →

Yep – am still googling the Titan kids

I forgot to post this yesterday. Titan peeps in the Philippines finished retrieving endosulfan from the Princess of the Stars earlier than was expected and seem to be going well with the other pesticides as well. I am trying not to think too much about the body retrieval part of the job. I wonder what other things around the world… Read more →

Why am i not rich? (complaint reason #4509)

Ah – the story in the previous post had a link to this story about a place called Nimmo Bay. Dayamn!! Rebecca could never afford to go there but just LOOK at that place. I mean just for all the helicopter rides alone I would LOVE IT!! Then all the flying about the wilderness stuff. maaaaaaan. makes me hate rich… Read more →

Hello mr bear – will you be my friend?

This headline made me go ‘WOO! this is what i have to look forward to’: Aussie tourist attacked by bear at ski resort Sadly its only media hyperbole…..damn! The bear wandered into Whistler’s Village Square, a popular site for tourists and locals, to look for food in garbage tins on Saturday. “A crowd had gathered around the bear and was… Read more →

Smart thinking 99!

Omgawd the people running our state are on crack. Not only do they want to increase train fares astronomically, they want to stop manning stations AND get rid of guards on most of the fucking trains. Just read this shit! Do they KNOW how many looneys travel on CityRail???? I have never had to ask for help but I tell… Read more →