Category: obsessions

i get obsessed with things temporarily. here everything is together so you can see the ebb and flow.

Titan – kicking arse and taking names! :D

Noooow that Titan are almost done there are a bunch of stories about the New Carissa! Typical! Get with the program media people – its been fascinating the whole way along! Anyways the more interesting stuff: has a series of pics showing the progression of the removal. KEZI 9 News has some new videos – New Carissa: A Decade… Read more →

Look what i found!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEE

OHMYGAH!!! For reals I am a failure! So ages back i linked to that Youtube vid of the Titan guys preparing the legs of the barges. I forgot to go look back at that same persons other vids….BEHOLD!!!!!!!! The barges being moved into place…the person with the camera is on one of the barges as its being taken out…AND gets… Read more →


Instead of excessive blogging I decided to have a lil nap last night – ended up sleeping a good 5 hours longer than i wanted to…nice. We also had a power outage so I woke up and no music coming from the computer! So not right!You know thats probably what eventually woke me up…my brain going ‘hey dude – something… Read more →

What the????

For reals WorldLink – what the hell? You finally post something new to your New Carissa blog and its news from Saturday?????? ARGH!! Okay so its a cute story but damnit – i wanna know whats happening! I think as their only aussie fangirl those blokes should be sending me daily update emails or something! haha Holy crap – i… Read more →

Takeshi english interview!

Totally cute interview with Takeshi in english around the time Perhaps Love came out…but damn i dont like the interviewer Hugh Riminton. he’s always been annoying to me – i dont know why. Its so cute watching him think about what he is saying….he’s just too clever! I wish I was actually multilingual. Being able to say a few phrases… Read more →