Author: endorwitch

New Girl interactive video – LOVE IT!

I totally forgot to blog this the other day when it went up! I totally love watching the interactive video on the New Girl site The day it went live I sat there playing it over and over trying the different options. I am sure I annoyed my neighbours. Was just giggling at it again. Needed something to make me… Read more →

Read this!

From HelloGiggles: I’m Not Okay with Chris Brown Performing at the Grammys and I’m Not Sure Why You Are I’m sick and tired of people acting like it’s no big deal that Chris Brown will be performing at the Grammys. I’m frustrated that the mainstream media is covering this story like it’s any comeback story, like an exiled prince’s return… Read more →

Just some random things…

In other news I had a ridiculous number of hits today (for my blog…which gets barely any!) whats that all about? AND OMGAWD!!! Seriously STOP! One of the widget things I added is a Pinterest one so my latest Pins show up on the sidebar….well that stupid widget seems to need to be updated on a weekly basis..minimum. WHY?? GRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… Read more →