New Girl is such a cute show. I have heard a few grumblebums complain that its just Zooey Deschanel playing the same kooky kind of girl she always does…but you know what – I LOVE when she plays those characters! I think they are fun and adorable.
So New Girl is about a girl named Jess who discovers her boyfriend cheating on her so has to quickly move out. She moves into an apartment with 3 guys who think they are normal (and are absolutely not) and fun times ensue.
She tends to sing her feelings, and is just absolutely kooky and adorable. She is a very emotional lil thing…..which freaks the boys out a bit, but almost from the start they like her. She likes them too. Its all warm and fuzzy. 😀
I love all the main characters in the show. Jess of course, Nick who also had a break up not long ago and is kind of laid back…except when he is having a mental about something, Schmidt who thinks he is irresistable but is really a bit of a dork, Winston who doesnt know what to do with himself now he is back in America after playing professional basketball overseas for a few years, and Cece – Jess’ friend who is a model (that Schmidt totally has the hots for). She is very protective of lil JEss. (There was another character, Coach, in the pilot but he was replaced by Winston).

I have seen up to episode 9, which I am pretty sure is the latest ep thats aired in the States.
I dont think it will happen any time soon….but I think Nick and Jess would make an adorable couple. They just keep having these cute moments. Even in the first ep – where he leaves off having a drink with his ex who he is still crazy about, to go rescue Jess who he and the guys have just found out was ditched by her date. I just wanna squish him!!!!!!!!!! 😀
BUT!!! What I would like to happen is that the show has like a set number of seasons and they conclusion of the show is Nick and Jess end up together.
Coz we all know that when the two peeps you want to get together finally do the show goes crap. Unless you tear them apart again – Joss Whedon style!
Is it sad that one of my fave things about it is i wish I was the kind of cute, quirky, a bit geeky, sweet girl Jess is? Instead I am a not cute, dorky, fangirly, obnoxious girl. 🙁
Oh well – such is life.
Anyways – apart from the first pic which was just a screen grab I did myself – all the pics used on this post came from this New Girl Tumblr blog.
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