My kneecaps had a close encounter with a platform at Town Hall station. Boy it was fun.

But before that the evening was fun. My friend Brighid and I went and had japanese food for dinner, then did 1 round of purikura. We then trotted off to Karaoke World with another friend, Han. 2 hours of glorious karaoke fun! I loved it muchly!

Then I had my not-very-elegant fall on the platform after not paying enough attention and not realising there was one more step before the platform would appear before my feet – and down I went. Somehow I managed to spill only a small bit of my coke I had just bought at McDonalds.

My knees are sure to be killing me in the morn once the painkilers wear off. BUt for now I am warm and cozy, wrapped in the doona doing nothing much.

Re the last post. We spoke once and only about something to do with work that could not be avoided.
Petty bitch.