…its bitter like beer for kids

Am watching news about the latest explosions in London. The whole thing makes me very angry.

But I will blog useless crap to take my mind off it.

I read the new Harry Potter book on Saturdayand loved it. It was really good. I cried at the end for various reasons that anyone who has finished it will understand.

Last week I had this weird pain and the doctor is sending me for an ultrasound to see if its something serious. One hopes not.
On Monday i was eating lunch and a tiny chip in my tooth turned into a HUGE one that was cutting my tongue because my tongue normally sits right up against that tooth so I went to the dentist (yesterday now) and got a filling done to repair it. I dont have prvate health insurance so it costed me AU$359. So one day after payday I am almost broke – isnt life GRAND??????

I got two more Pinky:st dolls last friday – i took a picture of them in their boxes which you can see if you look at my flickr photostream.

Anyways, I am going to return to watching the news.

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