behold – late AGAIN! thats what i get for wallowing in my bed last nite instead of coming online i guess….

friday five ::

1. What’s your favorite animal? Tough one. I like any animal that is cute in some way. At one time i really liked prairie dogs…also think alpacas are adorable….hmm fave i guess is any big cat when they are babies…i lurve kitties!!!!! 🙂

2. What pets have you had in your lifetime? We have had cats, dogs, guinea pigs, mice, rats, goldfish and birds. We currently have a dog – Misty (my baby) and a cat – Schmoo (aka Bitch – also the sis declares it is Schmoon but i disagree).

3. Is there any specific pet that you’ve wanted but never had? Why? Of course! I want an alpaca because they are cool, a pig because i once read a book where a guy had a pig for a pet and it seemed cool, a wolf because they are beautiful. Always been partial to any kind of cat – if only you could have a lion as a pet…..and it wouldnt kill you or anything. 🙂

4. Are you allergic to any animals? Not that I have discovered.

5. Do you have any ‘pet’ pet peeves (your pets or others’)? Animals puking, peeing or pooing in the house….so that I have to clean it up. Also the cats tendency to stand at the door waiting for you to open it so she can run out and when you walk over and open the door she runs away and wont come back…but half an hour later she is meowing her head off to be let out. Same deal when she wants to come back in. Bitch.