friday five (a few hours late) ::
1. What makes you homesick?
Am never away from home enough to feel homesick. I like going places. Hmmm – I do miss my pup when I am gone for a long time….so I guess she makes me feel homesick.
2. Where is “home” for you? Is it where you are living now, or somewhere else (ie: Mom & Dad’s house, particular state/city)?
Living with the parents still…how sad. When we go away on trips and then come home I feel like I am home as soon as I can see the Blue Mountains. And then the drive up the hill, then into Winmalee, then to our street and then pulling in the front yard…..that whole trip I always feel like I’m home….but i get a nice feeling of anticipation too because I know I am just minutes from being able to cuddle the pup or lie on my bed or whatever.
3. What makes it home for you? People? Things?
It just is. Have lived here most of my life (i have very vague recollections of the place being built) so there is nowhere else that feels like home yet. But then again I can feel ‘at home’ anywhere as long as i have a few of my creature comforts readily available.
4. Where is the furthest you’ve been from home, miles-wise?
was using this site to measure distances between sydney and some of the places we went last year, but the stupid thing didnt have a lot of the places we went. so i give up….Edinburgh was as far north we went. amongst other places (that i forget the names of now) we went as far west as Tintagel. both are a long way from sydney. 🙂
5. What are your plans for this weekend?
Well we are supposed to be having a family bbq at the grandparents tomorrow because 90% of the males in this side of the family (and my sister as well) have their birthdays in march – so its a joint party. and sunday my aunty sheilas partner is coming out to oz and i dont know what the plan is but maybe we are going to meet him at the airport.
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