oh forgot to mention – as usual – got nothing for valentines. yay me!
me and sarah toddled down to the local apple shop at lunch and drooled over the demo i-Mac they got in! its way FUNKY!!!!!!!!! in pics i have seen the base bit didnt seem as big as it is. we sat there poking it and pushing the monitor around and picking up the see through speakers and going ‘ooh’ and pressing the button on the keyboard to open the cd thingy. sarah carressed it longingly – but not as much as the guy who came and looked at it after us. then we went and looked at the i-Pod. is fun to play with – though the selection of music those kids had was shite! but frigging hell apple make funky machines! i want an i-mac and an i-pod. please deliver promptly to me door oh kind hearted rich person that i just KNOW is readying this!
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