have i mentioned my current hang out of choice is the forums on billyboyd.net? its such a nifty lil’ place. i miss the old chat they had on the site too – but one of the girls has set up another chat offsite where i can also be found 90% of the time i am online at home these days…..and the time of nite i am in the chat,70% of the time i am in there on my own….how pathetic! 🙂
but have made loads of new buds. if you come avisiting hey to everyone! i was gonna list my main buds – or most of he people who come to cheese chat when i am there but i was worried i would forget someone and they’d feel left out!
anyways – yo to my aussie sisters!! and to Elanor – mother extraordinaire and potential landlord for a few days (i dont think she could handle much more…’there are few who can’ – LOL!) when i doss down on her floor when i high tail it to NZ! hehehe