Well since my blog went byebyes a few interesting things have happened. The main thing is I went to Japan for a few weeks in Nov-Dec last year! FINALLY! I ate lots of ramen and gyoza (which is kind of sad because i can get that here), went to Disneyland (had never been to a Disneyland before so was VERY excited….i took too many photos), wait – i took too many pictures of everything….just check out the set on flickr (i’ve been too lazy to add descriptions and tiles to everything).

Its so sad to think of how much suffering has occured there since the earthquake. We didnt go any further north/east than Tokyo but I have said ever since we got back I want to go back because there is so much more I want to see.
Its such a beautiful and interesting country, to think of what might have been destroyed by the earthquake, tsunami and that awful fire just after the earthquake….and all the people who have lost their lives. Everyone we met was so lovely. Its heartbreaking.

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