RA Photo Friday ~ Its Spooktastic!

So even though I was exhausted I stayed up and watched the first ep of season 8 of Spooks last night. I then watched it again to do some screencaps for my own amusement!

When I got home today and realised I hadnt made a plan for RA Photo Friday i was all ARGH! And I started looking through the caps….and i came up with this ridiculous lil story that went along with the caps i had chosen about how Lucas sees himself as a bit of a ladies man and stuff but it was taking forever SO I have decided to shelve that for another blog post coz i am too tired (after watching the ep twice i went tob ed and COULD NOT GO TO SLEEP..then i had to go to work..and now i am still up! IDIOT!) to do all the extra html to make it work how i want so i will leave you with a few lil screen grabs from the ep as my contribution to RA Photo Friday and I will post my dorktastic story another day!

Woo – its the Tongue of Concentration!

These last two are my faves!