RA Photo Friday!

Sadly watermarked I know but I just LOVE that picture!

Above image is from this site – or if that doesnt work go here and search for Richard Armitage and observe the many many pretty pictures!

Wow we are here two weeks in a row. Its truly a miracle. I could have posted this at 2am…I had found the pics I wanted to use and was all ready to go but for some reason Blogger and me fight over getting these pics uploaded so I wasnt in the mood to deal right then!

Anyways someone linked my up to the Photoshot site the other week – its got heaps of photos of Richard taken by a chap named Justin Canning – thanks dude for all the pretties!!!
I would love to get some of these pics without the watermark….can someone hook me up? I am just gonna stare some more. Look at his pretty blue top….matches his lil orbs in his face yo! 😀

Anyways I have another dorktastical RA-related post coming up! I know you are all holding your breath in anticipation!