Schmoo..aka cat, kitty, or the bitch.

My sister and I had to take our cat to the vet today because she has been getting very frail and hasnt been eating or drinking for a few days. Shes also been having trouble using her back legs and this morning she couldnt even lift herself up anymore.
They suggested we put her down and when Emma called mum she agreed.
Me and Emma couldnt stay and watch so we said goodbye to her and left.

I cant go in mums room, where the cat has pretty much lived for the last few years, without crying my eyes out.
She was an old thing! 18 years! Been around half my life.

Been crying a lot today.

Goodbye lil Schmoo – you annoying furball. I wont miss your loud demanding meows at weird hours of the night. I wish I had gotten to record you doing the cute lil meow that sounds like you are saying ‘hello’.
I’ll miss your cute lil face.