greetings from canadia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So – I am in Canada!!! HOLY SHIT! SHEISSE!!!!!!! and various other surprised statements that involve excretment! 😀

Hmm – just noticed the comp here has a lil usb thingy i could probably use to upload my pics to flickr but i didnt bring the usb connecter thingy down here so photos will have to wait till another day! not that i have many but some things definately require sharing!

I apologise for any typos on this post – i am typing fast and not checking the screen as i type. Deal with it till i am at leisure to use the web (like when i get a laptop and can sponge of the free wifi in the rooms here). till then please attempt to endure the typo pain.

first up my phone has signal here (and did in taiwan too) so i have been sending posts to twitter – which you can see in the sidebar but if you are on there and wanna follow me this is the link –

So taiwan was an epic….entering canada was a breeze in comparison….let me tell you a story….

damn i dont wanna write it all out…..lets just say i wandered up and down the damn airport because there were 2 signs saying transfer and i went to the wrong area….then went through a security check point i shouldnt have (HAHA) accidently misplaced a bag and didnt realise till after i had finally figured out where to go and was on my way to going through immigration so had to go ALL the way back through the check point again so it all looked a bit dodgy…..then went through immigration and the customs thing….yay they didnt grab me to check my bags (poor guy 2 peeps ahead of me got grabbed). then couldnt see the hotel guy so had to get someone to page him.
so uh yeah – rebecca was stressed out and had been crying during the ‘go through check point again’ business. couldnt wait to get to hotel!

took me a good 10 mins to realise we were driving on the opposite side of the road. haha.
and dude that druve went FOREVER!!!! i started to suspect they were taking us somewhere to sacrifice us to the airline gods to keep their planes in the air!

turns out they were taking us to some swanky golf course…my room was huge!!! my bathroom had a fricking bath as well as a shower! it was ridiculous. they provided us free breakfast (which was okay but pretty minimal) and lunch (which was total shit and the only free drink was water and i loitered over my lunch to get three refills which will be explained shortly)>
so in the room we had a minibar fridge with 2 cans of coke, 2 bottle of mineral water, 2 things of pocari sweat and 2 things fo some other drink which you would have to pay for….i didnt want to use my credit card and i hadnt changed my money yet so was like ‘how can i pay? – forget it!’.they had stuff to make a cup of tea and coffee but no milk. the only source of water was the tap….which i tried a sip of and it was MEGA metallic so i couldnt do it (and a girl i met later said there were signs saying dont drink the tap water but i must have missed them). so we were in taht place for 24 hours and FUCKING HELL I WAS SOOO DAMN THIRSTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dude i can do without food – i CAN NOT do without drinks! omgawd by the time we got back to the airport i was dying!

anyways so yeah wen we first got there they offered us this free half day tour and at the time i said yes, but when i got up for breakfast i cancelled because 1) it was raining and 2) you had to check out early and go back to the airporta nd they took you onthe tour from there and there was no info to tell you what they were gonna do with your bags,,,,,,so i was concerned. so instead i lazed around my room all day. slept a bit.

anyways two fo the peeps who came back to the hotel (there were about 10 in total) were also going to vancouver so we hung out at the airport when we got back. i didnt get either of their names but the guy is actually here in this hostel….i need to track him down actually because he paid for the cab for us from the airport to here and i need to pay him back half the fare. the girl was heading off to jasper to work as a snowboard instructor. she said she was going to have to get up at 5am today to go on a 12 hour bus ride (longer than the plane ride from taipei to vancouver) to get there…..and then she would have to start working the very next morning!!!!!!! OMGAWD!!!!!!!!!

anyways so immigration at canada was a breeze – the line was just super slow! but yeah – not a drama at all! just show em your docs, they ask a few questions. they stamp some stuff and stick your visa thing in your passport and voila – you’re in.

i dunno why – but maybe i missed it or maybe because they guy i was with (who was carting 2 surfboards) had so much stuff – i didnt see anywhere where they stop you to check your suitcases or signs saying ‘nothing to declare’ or whatever…..did i juts miss it or dont they have that here?????

anyways got to hotel. check in was a breeze. went to my room….eyes bug out. fucking clothes EVERYWHERE…dude you gotta see the pictures!!! and it had that odour of clothes in need of a wash – you know the one. yeah – boys let me tell you – girls are not lovely clean and tidy things – i promise you – we be GROTTY BITCHES!!!!!
but at least i dont leave my dirty laundry laying everywhere….omgawd.

anyways i had a shower because damn i was feeling grotty, then went out – chick at the hostel counter said ‘grocery store is about a block that way’ i walk ‘that way’ and i went MORE than a block….no grocery store……maybe it was the other way – maybe she is on drugs. anyways i found a 7eleven and bought 2 bottles of coke (591 mls people – what the fuck is that??? not even a round number?????????????) and some kinda roll and a thingo of watermelon chunks and walked back to the hostel. ate the roll and drank some coke and went to sleep.

this morn i got up after much loitering in bed and walked down granville st (my hostel is located on granville) and went to robson st – i knew there was a Lush there – i was out of American Cream just before i left home plus i needed soap – they had Alkmar!!! (or how ever its spelt) i havent seen taht in oz FOR AGES!!!!!!!!!!!
i then headed to the skytrain (umm hello – its called skytrain but the granvile station…you go DOWN DOWN DOWN to get to it…not so sky-ish!) and caught the train to the Statium/Chinatown stop. wandered pretty much the length of chinatown. i found a place that made bubble tea (is also a clothes show) and bought their version of green apple green tea……looked more like nuclear waste or something!! 😀 was drinkable but VERY sweet….and the apple is sorta like those toffee apple lollies you can get in oz. so not that appley really. heh.
ithen made my way back to the hostel. when i got here my legs were kinda sore so i vegged out in the tv room for a while. watched some jerry springer. hehe. talked to an aussie chick a bit. a bunch of other folks came in including the two aussie chicks staying in my room (who are soon leaving).
anyways got bored and figured it was time i figured out the net set up here for those chumps without a laptop to sponge off the wifi – and voila here i am!!!

anyways i am mega hungry so i am gonna sign off soon. there is supposed to be a pub crawl tonight (i think they do it every monday) but tonight is supposed to be big because tomo is a public holiday. havent decided if i wanna go because – hey – I DONT DRINK ZEE ALCOHOLS!!!!!! but we will see…..

anyways – will bug you later kids!! OMGAWD I AM IN CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!