Liberal Party – please shut up and die!

Dear Liberal Party of Australia
Every time you start having a go at the Labor Party to make some change you guys wouldnt have even considered during your 11 year tenure – you just look like utter wankers!
Please crawl back in your hole and shut the fuck up!!

kthx bai!


The latest wankery? They have suggested Labor increase the pension by $30 a week. I am not against the idea itself, hell pensioners could use way more than that! But Liberal would never have raised the pension in one go THAT much! They were the stingiest arseholes when it came to helping people on any kind of pension that I have ever seen!

Oh and because we are on a political rant – everybody screaming because Labor hasnt done enough to help Australians during the current economic crisis – they inherited this state of affairs from the wanker Liberals people! THEY ARE TO BLAME for pushing the economy hard and fast for so fricking long! Plus the whole bloody planet is in a sorry state economically. Labor can only ride it out and TRY to do stuff to help.
Dont expect any helpful suggestions from the Liberals….they will criticise everything Labor does in the hopes it will convince moronic aussies that they could have rode out the 3-4 years better when its UTTER BULLSHIT!

Damn – I love and hate politics man….I love knowing whats going on but damn it gets me riled up.

I am not even gonna go on about the crazy US election shit. I just wish it was over, and I hope Obama gets in.