I just wanted to say good luck to the WGA members who are striking at the moment.
Asking for some form of payment for internet downloads and a small increase in the amount they receive from dvd sales doesnt seem unreasonable to me. This youtube clip is a really nice lil run down of what its all about if you have no clue:
If you have a favourite show on tv thats made in the US (that isnt some pain in the ass reality piece of crap) then I suggest getting behind the strike as many shows are running out of finished scripts fast and may not have any new episodes to air by Christmas.
The last strike went on for 22 weeks. So when these guys strike they mean serious business.
A lot of the info I have been reading has been from the Livejournal community wga_supporters.
There is also this blog by the Strike Captains, and there is a petition if you wanna show your support (especially good for folks like me who are not in the US so cant actually visit the picket lines and say ‘go dudes’ or directly affect ratings in the US market).
Finally you can also check out Fans4Writers which is a fanbased movement showing their support.
If nothing else – do it for me….I dont think I can go 22 weeks waiting to find out whats gonna happen next with those Winchester boys….haaahaaaa. O.o
A few days after the WGA strike began, stagehands on Broadway ALSO went on strike. I have only seen news reports about this one though so I dont know as much about it. I hope they are successful too!!
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