She’s got a crush

So its official….I think Plastic!Winchester Theatre helped tip me over the edge (though I am not sure how). I am in official crazy-crush-mode over Jensen Ackles.
I could ramble on and on about it but I am already doing that on my livejournal a bit too much, and to my mates at work…so I thought I would spare you the worst of it. But I do have things to share.

Like today (well yesterday now) my uncoolness reached a new level. I was never a fan of Dawsons CReek….but I bought season 6 of the show on dvd because Jensen is in it.
In less tragic news, I also bought season 4 of Smallville for the same reason, I had actually already seen a large chunk of that season anyways because the whole thing with Lana and the tattoo on her back intrigued me. (and okay – I was totally perving on Tom Welling).
I also looked for Dark Angel dvds when I was in jb hifi but they only had season one and it was like AU$50 and i was not going to pay that for one ep. Actually now that I think about it I could have lived with the cost – i have had a mini-crush on Michael Weatherly ever since the show premiered in oz. hmm.

So Youtube has been awesome for finding clips of interviews and other stuff (plus crazy clips of the Plastic!Winchsters – WOO!) and I found this clip of Jensen on stage with this guy who was singing. Jensen was singing along but nowhere near the mic so you couldnt hear him at all, and at the end seemed to bolt off the stage embarrassed (it was quite adorable – hee) and I ended up looking up the singer – Jason Manns on myspace because I liked the song. Anyways I listened to a few of his other songs on myspace and then decided to order his album Thursday night – and YAY – its already shipped!

Then I was kicking around myspace some more and OMGAWD – there was a myspace page for The Plight of Clownana – a film Jensen had helped produce (and is in for a few mins though you cant tell its him at all). Its REALLY funny.
I promised some friends I would link it here because I cant share the link on MSN this weekend because i am house sitting. So friends (and blog readers/visitors too) go watch the AWESOMENESS that is The Plight of Clownana!!!! YOU WONT REGRET IT!!!!!!!!