The Bitterbynde Trilogy

I am currently reading the third book in Cecilia Dart-Thorntons Bitterbynde Trilogy.

I really loved the first book – The Ill-Made Mute. I wanted to read it for ages because the name sounded so cool. hahaha. I finally bought the book and read it. So much happens in this first book..I dont think I can explain it all, but at the very start she her face is badly scarred and is found by people near a place called Isse Tower. She cant speak and has no memory…and err it doesnt specify it is a she for quite a bit actually, though you get a few clues. But after she stows away on a wind ship SO much happens, My fave part was when Imrhien (the main character though she isnt called that till a ways into the book) travels across the land with the Dainnan ranger Thorn who she ends up falling in love with. Right at the end they part as he has to head elsewhere and she is about to see a healer who may be able to cure her…and well I KNEW the end would finish as it did. I was happy!

The second book The Lady of the Sorrows was pretty enjoyable too. I figured out how important Thorn was even before it was revealed. Perhaps it was obvious but I was really happy when Imrhien found out. Right at the end of the book Imrhiens past is finally revealed and WHOA is it cool.

I am finally on the third book – The Battle of Evernight – and its slow going. I guess enough different stuff happens in the first 2 books to keep me plowing on but she is sooooooo descriptive about every damn thing and right now I am about a third of the way through and all the characters are doing is travelling across the land. I wish something more would happen!
I am sure once I have finished I will love it too but so far its been a hard slog. >.<
Anyways all through the books the main character is being hunted – the revelations at the end of the second book reveal why. I am hoping by the end her mission she has set herself will be completed and it will be a happy ending!

Anyhoo – I dont like these american covers but they are the only ones available on Amazon. You can see the covers I have on other versions of the books on Amazon but they are only available from other sellers.

Anyways, I will give y’all an update when I am done. But dudes should definately give the first 2 a go. And hey – reading a book called The Ill-made Mute – surely that is enough reason to try it?? haha so cool.