I have been abstaining from fics of late but I have had lead up to the realse of the POA film to keep my in giddy fangirl mode. There is so much stuff coming out at the moment!
In the US on Sunday they had the world premiere. Lots of the kids were there which was awesome – man Bonnie Wright – my lil Ginny – looked so adorable! here is a pic of her with Devon who plays Seamus (if you are one of the ignorant!).

I also want to diss all the nay-sayers to Rupert Grints hair – i personally LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! its so retro – so shaggy – so cool!!! Check it!!

Though he was one of the only lads who wasnt wearing a suit of some kind. Naughty! ^o^
heehee – Tom Felton has a blog!
I recently made myself a new user icon for live journal and had to get rid of one of my old ones to use it (its totally embarrassing so unless you know where my lj is i am not showing you it!!) but my all time fave Draco/Ginny fanfic writer gacked my old userpic and is now using it! you may recognise the picture:
POA wont be released in australia till the 10th. my friend sarah an i have our eyes peeled for any comps for previews and stuff, havent found anything yet though her mum did call 2DayFM and they are supposedly going to be giving away tickets to a preview or maybe the australian prem…i cant remember. if only i listened to that station! >.<
In non-Potter news – my package from Rachel arrived with the Access and Iceman concerts – OMG IT WAS AWESOEM TO WATCH THEM!! i was home sick yesterday and i wasnt expecting it to arrive till later in the week so i nearly flipped out when i checked the letterbox and there was the package!
*cries because she will never get to see Iceman live in person*
Oh, and I bought The Secret Garden, Sense and Sensibility plus Peter Pan (JASON ISAACS!!!!) when Emma and I went shopping. I also bought Linkin Parks album Meteora…THE SHAME. i can never mock a Linkin Park fan again. but i only like two songs!!!
We also saw Troy and I disliked it because 1) no Cassandra predicting the fall of Troy, 2) the war went for YEARS!!! not a fricking fortnight you tools!
Positives were 1) cool ball things that rolled over burning arrows and turned into big dangerous weapons of fun – i plan to use them whenever i plan war on someone! 2) Bradlets arse! ^o^
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