On the Fringe‘s Sunday Seven:

The seven best birthday gifts, memories, experiences you’ve had.
1. My 21st birthday lunch. I had never gotten so many presents at once in my life.
2. When i was 7 or 8 my mum asked me if i wanted, for my birthday, a doll like my sister and the girl across the street both had or another Barbie like this one I had and that got lost or broken or something. I wanted the Barbie and got it. I loved that doll! 🙂
3. My seventh birthday party – actually was a joint birthday party for me and my sister. I got to come home early from netball (the one year I played) and there were school friends and I got lots of cool stuff from people. I never really had parties so it was very cool.
4. Last year getting a really cute birthday card from my (still relatively new at the time) workmates. I still have it. 🙂
5. In high school I had a joint birthday party with a friend for my 13th I think it was. I recall enjoying it. The only thing i really recall is getting Martika’s album from a friend and playing my friends Tiffany record while I was there. 🙂
6. The yearly chinese dinner for my birthday. I can take any disapointment at birthday time if I get my dinner.
7. ….

I am all out of birthday goodness.
That would have been so much easier as the seven worst. I dont enjoy my birthdays much anymore. It all began with the year the family forgot my birthday and hasnt improved much since…with the 21st being a major exception.