firda was saying how she was a bit gloomy about her inbox being empty. apart from spam and digests of mailing lists i am on mine practically always is. its so exciting when i get an email from someone these days. so amazing in fact that i usually reply almost immediately to emails now.
except for these weirdass emails i get occassionally that sound really patronising. i cant think of the exact wording but its something along the lines of “you’ve got a nice site. keep up the good work” but inplies that you’re an amateur who has miles to go before you could consider yourself a good designer/weblogger. pisses me off. i may not make brilliant designs but i think they are alright – and i probably have a better understanding of html than tha schmucks emailing me. and i’ve probably been blogging longer than them too. so yeah – if you are gonna write me a lame email like that – dont. will just go in the trash and be ignored. unless i am feeling really shitty that day and i may just end up flaming you. 🙂
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