slept like the dead on the way into work today. i remember closing my eyes after just making it on the train and being happy about scoring a window seat when i was about 3 carriages away from my normal carriage.

next thing i remember is having a dream where i was sitting in my train seat – yet i was sitting in an audience at Rove and there were these people getting married. now it was kind of odd because where i was sitting is sort of where Rove sits during the show, but i was feeling pissed because the sun was in my eyes (the show is filmed indoors AT NIGHT so more oddness). everyone was taking photos. they then asked everyone to stop taking pics while family came and took some special ones and they were taking these photos right in front of me and the crowd had disappeared and i was in the train again but here are these people adjusting the wedding dress (which is no longer on the bride but up against one of the little windows in the train) and taking pictures. and then i realise the bride is actually an old friend from school whose name was Hope.

sometime around this bit i woke up and found we were at Central and had been for at least 5 mins because almost everyone else had gotten off the train. i have a sneaking suspicion that while i was asleep i snored.
frigging weird dream though.