blogdex laziness….

weblog lifecycle. heehee. some of those apply to me…how ashamed i am.

while totally gross sounding i dont hold it against countries that like to eat dogs or drink dog meat juice (ewww – do you see me drink cow meat or pig meat juice – i think i need to hurl! unless its like soup – then i guess its not so gross). i mean vegetarians probably think exactly the same thing about meat eaters in general. think of the cute piglets who grow in to big fat pigs that you like to eat, or the cute lil’ lambs that you like to chow down on, or the cute lil chicks that grow into chickens, or the lil baby cows that grow into frigging huge ones that you get to eat. just fucking grow up and stop whinging or become a vegetarian so you can get on your moral high horse and bitch at everyone about all meats being eaten.
but i’d just like to say if any bastard tries to eat my dog i will kill them.

because i am a lazy wench i have used the evil plan generator and i have to say its looking mighty fine:


Evil Plan ™!

Your objective is simple: World Domination.

Your motive is a little bit more complex: Love (Yes, it works)

Stage One
To begin your plan, you must first seduce a rock star. (i think we all know which j-rock star i have in mind for this part) This will cause the world to sit up and take notice, stunned by your arrival. Who is this evil genius? Where did they come from? And why do they look so good as a dark gunslinger?

Stage Two
Next, you will seize control of the Internet. (just call me dom monaghan – lol! chat reference) This will cause countless hordes of stormtroopers to flock to you, begging to do your every bidding. Your name will become synonymous with sheer dementedness, as lesser men whisper your name in terror.

Stage Three
Finally, you will unleash your horsemen of the apocalypse, bringing about the end of all things. This will all be done from a Obsidian Citadel, an excellent choice if we might say.

These three deeds will herald the end, and the citizens of this planet will have no choice but to elect you their new god.

Trust us, it’ll all come together in the end.
