I have been browsing around heaps of blogs lately. its nifty to look at what other people other than my lil’ bunch of regular reads are up to. many of them are sites i have found while looking for something else altogether and as i poke around their sites i find a weblog and have a read. one cool thing is finding out what people are listening to and then downloading it from audiogalaxy.

on saturday i found this blog…man i wish i could remember which one it was…and it mentioned a song called Secret Garden by Gackt. it also mentioned a group called Malice Mizer. so i decided to download the Secret Garden song and a few other tracks by Gackt and Malice Mizer. i thought initially Gackt was a band too but it turns out it is actually a guy who was originally in the band Malice Mizer.

Secret Garden is a really awesome sounding song. i was trying to think of a similar sound i could compare it to. the best i could think of was A Perfect Circle. but thats just that song – i havent had a chance to listen to his other stuff yet. anyways – so i am now on a quest to find out more about this chap.

ooh – a quiz!

Which Gackt are you most like?
quiz by mcvarmazi

i am sure it means something to a hardcore fan. 🙂

[9:15am edit] i just realised that through that entire waffle i failed to mention Gackt is/sings (apart from a few words of english now and then) in japanese. der!