been not blogging at work – cant take it any longer – also didnt go online last night to add the stuff i wrote at work yesterday.
9:39am :: while watching buffy last nite i got a big-ass leg cramp in my right calf. it really frigging hurt! and it wouldnt stop hurting for ages…even when i was rubbing it and trying to stretch it out… was all good because i was trying to get off the lounge and i couldnt. excellent… i sat there waiting for the pain to ease… the time buffy finished i could get up at last. have been getting lil’ twinges all morning. the ache is still there and sometimes when i try and stretch or stand on my leg the twinges i get are almost as bad as the cramp itself. i hate leg cramps.
9:53am :: SAGs will be forgiven soley because they gave Best Supporting Actor to Ian McKellen.
10:30am :: looking at Firdas weblog at work! i am bad…….how funny is this? Student Declares Roommates “Axis of Evil”. LOL! the site its from has lots of other nifty headlines. 🙂
9:17am :: poop. got a funny headache on one part of my head….very peculiar. okay – i lie. two parts of my head…..but in the spaces between there is no pain…most odd.
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