ARGH! i forgot to do the friday five!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh well – here ’tis…

1. What’s your favorite vacation spot? well apart from places in good ol’ oz i havent been many places, but i liked Paris and would like to go again – preferably with more knowedge of the language. 🙂

2. Where do you consider to be the biggest hell-hole on earth? hehehe – i was gonna say where i live but i actually quite like it. i dont like really hot places and the main one i have been to is Queensland – so there you go. Queensland in summer. must be avoided at ALL COSTS!!!!!!!!!

3. What would be your dream vacation? a trip involving an extensive stop over in every country i have ever wanted to visit and having a chance to get to know the countries. top of the list at the moment are New Zealand, Japan, France and Great Britain.

4. If you could go on a road-trip with anyone, who would it be and why? those mad lotr’s boys!! dom, billy, orli and lij! because i think it would be a frigging riot!!!! oh – and my sister would have to be there too. extra funniness.

5. What are your plans for this weekend? well the weekend is half over so – yay – my answer can be truthful for once. i will sleep all saturday. i will sign up for a paid host AND pay for my first domain name! WOOT! i will watch the BAFTAs and cheer at the sight of lotr folks even when they arent winning anything……not sure about sunday yet – probably sleep again.