i forgot to tell ya’s i finished Ship of Magic on the train into work yesterday
i was getting antsy about not having the next book (The Mad Ship) so i asked one of my mates at work if she could go to one of the bookstores and pick it up for me at lunchtime as i was only having a short lunch today to make up for coming in late yesterday and…WOO! she did!
read a bit of it on the train home today. carries on pretty much straight after the first book…..ooh – i am excited!!!
i love how they have the same artist doing the book covers so they match….i love looking at the covers to the Farseer trilogy. They are so cool.

ooh – i forgot to blog this the other day when i first spoke about Robin Hobb, but in 2000 (i am pretty sure – it had to be while i was working in the cbd because i used to visit Galaxy bookstore ALL the time..) Robin Hobb came to the bookstore and did a signing and i got my Farseer Trilogy books signed……very cool.