rant time

well i dont think i will even bother listing the things about the evil troll that is pauline hanson here on this blog. just let it be known that i find her and every stupid word that comes out of her mouth repulsive.

no – damnit – i will rant.

her crap today (yesterday now) that she said on the radio about we shouldnt as a nation apologise to the aborigines for the way they’ve been treated made me ill. for the first time in bloody ages kim beazley volleyed back with comments i agree with. on ya kim!

and on triple j – i think it was wednesday – i dont think it was pauline – i think it might have been a One Nation dick from queensland (hehehe – that wouldnt rule out Ms Troll herself) was going on about the banning of guns that occurred after the massacre in Port Arthur should be changed so people can own guns to protect themselves and something about people can push someone who has broke into their home, and hit someone who has entered their home and so should be allowed to kill someone who has entered their home….

i have this wonderful idea – yes pauline lets send all those mangy immigrants back to their own country – but lets not stop with the new immigrants – lets send back everyone and their descendants who have arrived since 1788. yep – lets all pack our bags and piss off.
stupid bitch – you think YOU have the right to be here – without making restitution to the people who were here first that we whites tried to anihilate/assimilate – and you have the gall to say immigrants shouldn’t be allowed to come here. grow a fucking brain.
and people who come here on boats generally have paid all their life savings to escape a country that to them was intolerable and are trying to come here because they believe it will be a better life. that you cant have sympathy for them disgusts me.

and that goes for any other fucker who doesnt get why we should apologise to the aborigines and why we should treat our immigrants (including the illegal ones) better.

rant over. i am too tired to continue.