helen razor

proof positive that i have admired the helen for a number of years! should i heckle the photo or will you beat me up? 🙂
and inside it’s even signed.

i remember that day – it was in the ABC shop in Penrith Plaza and I had heard on the radio that helen was gonna be there and i didnt actually have the book then and i begged the parents to take me. anyways my brother was going to Penrith and mother wanted to go down there too, so off we went. i just wanted to go and be able to say ‘woohoo – i saw helen!’ but when we got there mother bought me the book so i could get her to sign it (another in a long list of reasons why my mother is the best!!!!).
when it was my turn to get it signed all i could say was hi. the goddess asked me my name and i told her. she signed the book and handed it to me. i said thanks….and sailed away. woohoo!

anyways – not the most inspiring story is it? i just get all shy around people when i first meet them…..and if it’s someone i admire well i get even more non-verbal. lol

is there a point to this story? not really. just felt like mentioning helen again.
she needs a job you know.

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