
Well I just made an interesting discovery! Well for me anyways. Usually when a film is released in the States it usually – at the earliest – takes a week for it to be release here in Australia, unless it is an Australian film. In fact – it normally takes months for a film to be released. (Pitch Black opened in February in the States – Aussie-land, in May. Boiler Room in February – we wont get it till the end of August!)
Anyways, so I was just checking out some X-Men film sites and discovered that the US release date is the 14th of July. Does that mean we in Australia got it before you Americans?
Let me pause for a moment and say……..COOL!!!!

Okay – so I used the Hugh/Wolverine pic again – but I just like looking at him – okay? Excessive facial hair plus silly expression and all! [rebecca enters drool-mode]